The Task
Design a display typeface with homage to the signage in the Harrisonburg area.
Design Process
My design process involved walking around downtown Harrisonburg (which inspired the name of this typeface) until I found a few signs that intrigued me. Then, I sketched a few variations in Procreate and Illustrator and brought those ideas into Glyphs. I loved the blocky style of the type I found, so I made the typeface have a Constructivist feel.

The Task
Design a set of three cans using the display typeface I designed above.
Design Process
My design process involved sketching different variations of cans and deciding what size can and which beverage I wanted to use. I decided on the 12oz can and used my typeface "Downtown" to represent Downtown cities across the U.S. Each can represents a different city as well as a different flavor.